Research and Policy

Understanding local and international trends, analyzing conflict dynamics and learning from past experiences represent nowadays the basic steps for designing effective and innovative peacebuilding interventions. Research and analysis are indeed central not only to AP’s work, but also to the success of all actors working in peacebuilding and conflict resolution.


AP conducts research and analysis on a variety of issues, all related to peacebuilding, and using different methodologies. The results from this work eventually become the basis for the organization’s activities in relation to advocacy.


AP wants to establish a regular dialogue with relevant political institutions—in Italy and Europe first, but also in the rest of the world—on the opportunities for adopting peacebuilding approaches and initiatives that can lead more effectively to the resolution, management or prevention of violent conflicts.


AP’s approach to its advocacy activities—which include seminars, publications, consultations and public events—is in line with the guiding principles of the agency, and in particular on the primacy of groups who are directly affected by violent conflict, reciprocity and an emphasis on concrete results.