peacebuilding Tag

The Agency for Peacebuilding is excited to launch a call for articles on the topic of “What works in promoting the participation of young people in peacebuilding”. We are presently conducting research on the evolution of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda, and are interested in gathering first-hand insights from practitioners and researchers working for,...

30/04/2019 - Bernando Monzani and Anthony Sarota - Many development and peacebuilding NGOs are working today to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE). Among these is Search for Common Ground (Search), an international NGO that has, over the years, developed its own approach, called Transforming Violent Extremism (TVE). But what is the evidence that a...

13/12/2018 - Anthony Sarota - In East Africa, Kenya has been more affected by violent extremism and radicalization compared to its neighbors. Although drivers of violent extremist and terrorist incidents in Kenya are a result of many factors—highly unequal economic growth, social and religious grievances, and its proximity with fragile Somalia—the scale and persistence of...

23/10/2018 - Bernardo Venturi - The recent limitations to freedom of speech in Tanzania have created some concerns from local civil society organisations (CSOs) to international organisations. The list of limitations enacted by John Pombe Magafuli after his election as Tanzanian President in 2015 is rather long and it goes from banning opposition rallies to...

06/06/2018 - Bernardo Monzani - One of the main debates happening now in Brussels is on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the EU’s main tool for managing its finances. The current MFF will last until the end of 2020, but the debate around its successor has already started and the final decision on the new...

05/04/2018 - Aessandro Totoro - In one of my last assignments in Chad, I was carrying out a conflict analysis for a development agency working in the country. I was doing field research in a region that was experiencing a break-out of cholera. As I was there at the peak of the epidemic, a few...