Support and adaptation of Ukraine women refugees in Moldova

January - December 2023

Support and adaptation of Ukraine women refugees in Moldova


AP and the Agency for Innovation and Development of Tiraspol work in Moldova, Transnistria region, on the project “Support and Adaptation of refugee women in crisis conditions” supported by the UN Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund.

The main goal of the project is to support women refugees from Ukraine in Moldova, to be empowered and included in their host country, through activities that aimed to increase, or find back their economic agency. This support should help refugee women to be able to speak up and increase their participation in relevant debate in post-Ukrainian conflict times.

The project has been realized through training, and networking to include them in the local political life. A Start up academy project has been funded and created from scratch designed to help women start their own businesses.


We were expecting to have several positive impacts. First, the project’s partners organise training and consultations on how to set up a business in Moldova, coupled by the launching of the Start-up business school for 50 women refugees. 200 displaced women have received training and consultation in how to set up businesses in Moldova. Finally, with the 50 women trained on advocacy and consensus-building and the 250 women that are now part of the network, the projects work for a better local inclusion of these women in the long term.

AP has organised a series of training and training of trainers (ToT) in person in Tiraspol and online on peacebuilding, conflict sensitivity in business and gender issues. AP is also conducting mentoring activities to support future projects and programs.


Bernardo Venturi

Mikhail Silvestro Sustersic