Digital Technologies for Peace and Mediation

October 2023 - November 2024

Digital Technologies for Peace and Mediation

Photo credits: UN/ Violaine Martin


The main objective of the project “Digital Technologies for Peace and Mediation” is to deepen and spread greater awareness both among experts and the general and interested public on the strategic use of digital and information and communication technologies (ICT) to support peace processes, with particular attention to the effects on the practice of mediation in conflict resolution. Particular attention will be given to the role of women in the framework of the UN Women, Peace and Security Agenda and to inclusion processes to avoid power imbalances and dynamics of under-representation of minority and disadvantaged groups.

New technologies indeed represent opportunities for international peace and mediation processes, and the project aims to explore these opportunities and increase exchange, debate and dissemination.

The implementation is divided into a first phase of research analysis and a second of publication, dissemination and dialogue with political institutions. AP will then coordinate the research, making use of the consultancy of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) and its “Gender, Peace and Security” centre. The partnership with PRIO, a centre of excellence in this sector, guarantees high standards of research, innovation and internationalisation.

The policy paper has been launched during the Bologna Peacebuilding Forum in May 2024 and will be presented and discussed between May and June in Turin in a manner to be defined with the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome, in Vienna (involving officials OSCE) in partnership with the International Institute for Peace and in Brussels (involving the European institutions) in partnership with the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office. The project also includes an extensive communication plan.

The project is financed by the Compagnia di San Paolo.


Mikhail Sustersic 

Bernardo Venturi

Emiliano Alessandri

Financed by