peacebuilding Tag

05/07/2021 - Victor Lachenait - In Central Asia, the prevention of acts of violent extremism is gradually incorporating long-term development strategies, including youth ownership as a core element. Fostering the mutual integration of Prevention of Violent Extremism work and of the Youth, Peace and Security agenda, young people’s agency at the community-level is being acknowledged...

7/06/2021 - Natalia Urzola and Maria Paula Gomez - Colombia is facing two challenges: a peacebuilding process after over 50 years of armed conflict, and the devastating climate change effects. Deforestation acts as a cause and intensifier to both crises; however, the Government has failed to sufficiently address it. Meaningful participation from relevant stakeholders...

16/02/2021 - Celina Del Felice - During the inauguration of US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on 20 January, the first-ever American youth poet laureate, Amanda Gorman read an inspiring poem....

The Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) is excited to launch a new call for articles. Selected articles will be posted on our website (, which caters to an international audience of peacebuilding and international development specialists. Selected articles will also circulate through our newsletter and social media (Twitter and LinkedIn)....