Stefano Marinelli 28/01/2025
20/12/2024 - Celina Del Felice
19/12/2024 - Mikhail Silvestro Sustersic
29/11/2024 - Celina Del Felice
28/11/2024 - Bernardo Monzani
30/10/2024 - Bernardo Venturi
24/07/2024 - Sara Buccafusca
22/07/2024 - Bernardo Venturi and Giorgio Comai
25/06/2024 - Bernardo Monzani
05/06/2024 - Megan Gethin
30/05/2024 - Daniel Canosa
29/04/2024 - Bernardo Venturi
18/04/2024 - Logan Richman
19/12/2023 - Bernardo Monzani
19/12/2023 - Bernardo Monzani
28/11/2023 - Megan Gethin
The decision of UNESCO member states to revise the 1974 Recommend
11/05/2023 - Cyrielle Trebosc - What can be learned from the loca
29/03/2023 - Imani Henrick - Online Gender-Based Violence: a sile
Bologna Peacebuilding Forum 2023
23/02/2023 - Imani Henrick - From Clicking to Beating: Dealing wi
27/01/2023 - Dafne Carletti - Social Media for a Positive Peace:
21/12/2022 - Celina Del Felice - Let's Talk About the Soccer Worl
15/10/2022 - Marco Mezzera - The desperate need for a peace initi
07/10/2022 - Bernardo Monzani - Winds of War in the Sahara Desert
15/08/2022 - Juan Lucero - Imagination: the Key to Peacebuilding
25/07/2022 - Bernardo Monzani and Mariachiara Giaccai - Women’s m
28/04/2022 - Valentina Bartolucci - Is there really a distinction
29/03/2022 - Bernardo Venturi - The invasion of Ukraine features
Our organization is growing!
Our organization is growing!
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an act of aggression that must be
30/12/2021 - Peacemakers Network
22/11/2021 - Marco Cardinali - After introducing the Non-Recognit
18/10/2021 - Eke-okocha Nnaemeka Phil
11/10/2021 - Sonya Reines-Djivanides, Lorenzo Conti, EPLO
04/10/2021 - Jessica Serva - While Turkey’s leadership has shown
20/09/2021 - Alice Vielmi - Climate change has proven itself the
13/09/2021 - Roxanne van der Bliek - Even though ‘localization’ h
06/09/2021 - Igor Milić - European peacebuilding in the Sahel cou
02/08/2021 - Maelle Salzinger - Mali’s past efforts to implement
26/07/2021 - Vicky Kapogianni - European peacebuilding is a comp
19/07/2021 - Dafne Carletti and Federica Tronci - The EU should
12/07/2021 - Amadée Mudie-Mantz - The outcome of the Colombian pe
05/07/2021 - Victor Lachenait - In Central Asia, the prevention o
28/06/2021 - Ayat Mohamed - Experience from the Middle East shows
22/06/2021 - Chiara Zardoni - Addressing masculine culture in Pap
14/06/2021 – Sofia Badari - The Syrian civil war shows how climat
7/06/2021 - Natalia Urzola and Maria Paula Gomez - Colombia is f
16/02/2021 - Celina Del Felice - During the inauguration of US Pr
The Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) is excited to launch a new call
4/12/2020 - Minetu Larabas Sueidat - Western Sahara – the Spanish
14/11/2020 - Nicasia Picciano - On October 31st, 2000, sixteen mo
30/10/2020 - Federica Tronci - Since the peace talks started, Lib
14/10/2020 - Shadi Rouhshahbaz - There are still fewer than a hun
14/10/2020 - Daniela Antonovska - One of the successor states of
3/08/2020 - Giona Michele Scilla - On October 31, 2000, the UN Se
2/08/2020 - Vildiana Dzekman and Esmera Kanalstein - Women in Bos
07/7/2020 - Beatriz Pimenta Klein - “We talked about personal sec
23/06/2020 - Aseel Naamani - October 2020 will mark the twentieth
23/06/2020 - Ina Merdjanova - Since the 1980s, Turkey’s Southeast
The Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) is excited to launch a call for
AP is excited to launch a call for panelists for the Bologna Peac
30/01/2020 - Celina Del Felice - This article is published as par
19/11/2019 - Federica Susterisic - In recent years, there has bee
05/11/2019 - Vana Filipovski - From whichever side one observes t
22/10/2019 -Saagarika Dadu and Aleksandra Lasota
07/10/2019 - Tatien Nkeshimana - Burundi has been devastated by a
23/09/2019 - Yalda Khosravi - This article concerns one of the pr
31/07/2019 - Ana Ikeda - Do nuclear weapons make the world a safe
11/07/2019 - Alissa Pavia
28/06/2019 - Vivienne Bamgboye - This article is published as par
13/06/2019 - Shadi Rouhshahbaz - This article is published as par
28/05/2019 - Maria Angel Abad - This article is published as part
The Agency for Peacebuilding is excited to launch a call for arti
30/04/2019 - Bernando Monzani and Anthony Sarota - Many developme
27/03/2019 - Alessandro Totoro - Since the end of 2018 there has
31/01/2019 - Stefano Marinelli - On December 20th, 2018, the Pres
13/12/2018 - Anthony Sarota - In East Africa, Kenya has been more
30/11/2018 - Bernando Monzani - On November 12 and 13, 2018, the
23/10/2018 - Bernardo Venturi - The recent limitations to freedom
06/09/2018 - Bernardo Monzani - Should the pursuit of peace remai
11/07/2018 - Bernardo Monzani and Bernardo Venturi - As violent c
22/06/2018 - Stefano Marinelli - The US attack in April 2017, in
06/06/2018 - Bernardo Monzani - One of the main debates happening
21/05/2018 - Bernardo Venturi - Can the level of political and ci
05/04/2018 - Aessandro Totoro - In one of my last assignments in
29/02/2018 - Federica Susteric - In September 2017, almost two ye
29/12/2017 - Bernardo Monzani - Working to support the empowermen
23/12/2017 - Stefano Marinelli - The region of Rojava, in the nor
02/12/2017 - Virginia Berni - The negotiation is now over: on Nov
16/11/2017 - Bernardo Monzani - Two years removed from the signin
16/10/2017 - Rashmi Thapa - Recent years have seen an increase in
27/07/2017 - Bernardo Venturi - Many African countries are today
13/07/2017 - Stefano Marinelli - On 26 June 2017, the Government
05/05/2017 - Giulia Pasquinelli - Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH) offici
12/04/2017 - Bernardo Monzani - When people speak of stability an
27/03/2017 - Valentina Bartolucci - Although it is generally agre
24/02/2017 - Virginia Berni - Three months after the signature of
08/02/2017 - Giulia Pasquinelli - In December 2016, the third Ita
01/02/2017 - Bernardo Monzani - The news coming out of Libya toda
05/08/2016 - Valentina Bartolucci - Nice and Saint Etienne-du-Rou
24/06/2016 - Bernardo Monzani - Last week, during a conference or
06/06/2016 - Giulia Pasquinelli - The issue of sexual violence in
10/05/2016 - Bernardo Monzani - Italy’s participation to the stab
07/05/2016 - Giulia Pasquinelli - The conflict in the Donbas regi
05/05/2016 - Bernardo Monzani - In 2000, the adoption of UN Secur
12/04/2016 - Bernardo Venturi - Tanzania is a good example of how
25/02/2016 - It wasn’t too long ago that different authors and re